Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A New Use For Old Closet Doors

I bought these doors from our local ReStore.

The ReStore is a local venue for Habitat For Humanity enabling you to purchase good, used items for your home at a small percentage of what it would cost at a Building Supply Store.

If you are looking for household items or used building supplies, I strongly recommend searching for a Restore near you.

They carry anything from ceramic tiles and used light fixtures to curtain rods and appliances.

This project is very straightforward.

I simply used three of the closet doors above to make a giant headboard for a single bed or it could be used as a room divider.

1) The first step is to look over the pine doors and repair any holes with paintable wood filler.
Allow to dry.

2) Sand the wood filler.

3) Prime the doors, on both sides.

4) Paint both sides with your chosen paint colour.
In this case, I used chocolate brown.

5) When the paint is dry, attach your hinges.
I set my hinges so that both of the outer doors folded inward rather than accordion style.
NOTE: I used six, solid brass hinges. You could easily use four instead.

Here is the finished project.

This piece was bought by a HOME STAGER.

I will leave you with a link to check out home staging for yourself.

Until next time, have a great day!