Sunday, February 6, 2011

Hello Kitties


For this post, I thought I would do something different.

I will introduce you to my two very cute kitties named Pickles and Magoo.

They have provided me with many hours of entertainment as you will soon see.
Here they are.  Magoo is the one on the left and Pickles is on the right.  They are actually brothers, but they are nothing alike in any other respect.

Pickles is very reserved and timid (there are no pictures of him doing funny things), whereas Magoo is determined to prove who's BOSS.

For example, if he happens to fall off the couch or something he immediately runs over to Pickles and tackles him to the floor. I guess it somehow makes him feel less embarrassed.

Here they are snuggling on the couch together, this rarely happens.

This is Pickles, up close and personal.

This is Magoo in one of his many sleeping positions, they get weirder.

This is Magoo up close and personal.

Here are some pictures for your entertainment

He did this all by himself!!!

Magoo loves to sneak a drink from my glass when I'm not looking.  I caught him this time.  Ha ha.

Here Magoo is napping in his little tent. The light must be bothering him.

A video of Magoo with a new catnip bag.

I really hope this post made your day happier.

It sure made me laugh.

Bye for now.