Friday, September 30, 2011

"TO BUY, OR NOT TO BUY", that is the question.

"TO BUY,  OR NOT TO BUY", that is the question.

Like many of you out there, I have accumulated a reference library over time.

I have purchased a few craft books focusing on one or more of my interests, I have also collected various clippings of old ads (some for their interesting font styles, vibrant colours or simply the image itself), I also have a collage of iron or wooden furniture pieces from old discarded magazines and even have fabric images and actual samples.

If you see something you like the texture, colour or composition of, save it... and put it in a folder or box

This is how you will develop your own personal reference library. 

You may not even know why an item caught your eye in the first place, but it did and the reason will become apparent may be looking for something entirely unrelated a year or even ten down the road and come across this item and all of a sudden you are totally inspired to create!