Tuesday, February 8, 2011

French Country Backless Settee

I know, I know it's just an oval coffee table.

For now anyway!

I always start out with something quite ordinary and give it a Lyann-like flare.

I will show you the step by step process of turning this table from an ordinary piece of furniture to an extraordinary functional settee.

The first step as always, is to sand down the old finish and then prime.

Once the primer is dry paint the legs and skirt in an antique white.
Start painting some wild flowers and ivy in the center and edges of skirt on front, back and ends. (You can paint them in free style like I have or you could use a small stencil.   Either way, from a distance it will appear more detailed when finished.)

Using the same green paint as the ivy, I highlight the fluted columns on the legs and the rim around the skirt.

I create a stain out of brown acrylic paint with a little bit of water and brush, or rub onto my painted surface.
Note: If you find the mixture too thin, add more paint.

It seems light at first, but I continue adding layers until I am satisfied.

Then I sand it to scuff up the paint so it appears as though it has been used by many generations.

When I feel it is just right, I seal it with varathane.

Then I get out my foam pieces.

I trace the shape of the table onto it and cut out the foam to fit. (believe it or not an electric knife works like a charm).

I then staple it into place. As you can see, I had to piece my foam because I didn't have the proper length.

I finally add the finishing fabric and secure with upholstery tacks.

Now here is the finished product.

Wouldn't you love to curl up on this in a huge spa bathroom and read a good book? I sure would.

I enjoyed sharing this project with you.

I hope this post inspires you to re-use and maybe even re-think the purpose of a piece of furniture you have kicking around the house.

See you again next time,
bye for now.