Friday, November 29, 2013


Seeing how it's the last day of November, I thought I'd share the Movember poster I created.

I call this guy "Big Red" or just plain old "Dude",
which really made my Mom laugh.

My husband Trevor is part of the
Student Association at college...he is currently the VP of Services.

His duties for this position are directed toward the student food bank, the tutoring program and of course, fund raising.

He had to come up with a November fund raising event...he decided on a MOVEMBER theme.

He created 100 chocolate mustaches to raise awareness for prostate cancer and to raise funds for prostate cancer research.

What an awesome idea!!!!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Hand Stitching Frenzy...Curtains, Duvet and Pillow Shams

I created this poster specifically for this next post...and YES, that is the
cartoon version of me.

Ha ha ha!!!!

Many of you have been wondering why I haven't posted anything lately...this is why!
I have been sewing my little fingers to the bone.

I do have a sewing machine, but it needs to be serviced...but I didn't let that stop me!

Rustic French Shutters

I was looking through kijiji ads a few months ago, and came across this window.  

I know, you're probably thinking "Gee, you should have left it there!"

Oh yeah...
did I forget to mention
they were
:)    ALL FOR FREE ?    :) 
There were four smaller windows & two of the larger ones like above...

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Toothy Lucy Wins The "TOOTHY AWARD"...

Toothy Lucy
I created Toothy Lucy here to commemorate my "seven" dental visits in the past month...Yes, you read right...SEVEN!!!  
That's what happens when you don't go to a dentist for fifteen years.

Toothy Lucy goes to the dentist regularly and has even won the "TOOTHY AWARD" T-shirt to prove it!

Alas, I am not Toothy Lucy or a cartoon character for that dental care required a bit more than a pencil and an eraser to repair.

Obviously, the first thing my husband Trevor and I had to do was find a dentist.

We searched our local area and came up with a few different practices, but we decided to go with 

Monday, June 10, 2013

The "TWISTED NETHER" Fantasy Keyboard

This is the TWISTED NETHER, a fantasy keyboard I designed for my husband Trevor.

You guessed it, another school project!

I finished this a few months ago, but I'm just getting around to posting it now.

The project was to create something unique and high tech...

I will take you through the process I used to achieve the finished look.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Flip-Book Cover

A few months ago, my husband Trevor had to create a project for school on knot tying.

He created a survey, which some of you partook in...and then decided to create a cool flip-book to show how a double sheet bend knot (the knot he chose) is actually tied.

I felt honored when he asked me to design the cover for it.

Storage Solution

A while back I had a craving for Pringles.

As I was eating them, I was thinking of how I could reuse the containers.  

...they could be used for so many things;  Tea bags, paint brushes, markers or even a pretty bank for your desk...etc.

I really like that each tube has a lid, all I have to do is make them look nicer.

Shades Of Blue...Coaster CRAZY

As you can see, I used more plastic canvas here.

I created a set of beautiful coasters for practically nothing...that makes me happy!!! 

The only problem with this type of craft is that once you start, you just keep making more and more, until you have an entire linen closet full of coasters... I'll have to use them in other creative ways like cube shaped hats or I could even sew them all together and make a giant quilt like tablecloth for a patio table or something...ha ha ha!

I can see it now...I'll be called the "crazy coaster lady"!!!  Ha ha ha!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Super Simple Kitty Toy

 To your left is an extreme close up image of plastic canvas.

I used it in this post to create a little kitty toy.

For those of you who have never used plastic canvas, I will say to you IT IS EASY, AND FUN...not to mention easy on the eyes, unlike cross stitch or embroidery.

This next project is so easy, and brings so much joy to your little feline friend that I hope you give it a try.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Little COFFEE / PICNIC Table

This is my preliminary drawing

I am always saying how much I love vintage labels and ads so, for this post, 
 I created my very own coffee label.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Cats' MEOW

The Cat's Meow...

In this post, I have included my pattern for THE CAT NEST...
a little bed that's like a hug for your kitty
as well as a few videos for a laugh.

Hope you enjoy :)


Sunday, March 10, 2013


I mentioned in an earlier post, that my husband Trevor, is back in school. 

He is studying computer technology.

The reason I mention this one of his classes (User Interface Design & Development), all the students (working in groups) are required to decorate one of the schools bulletin boards.

They must include all of the pertinent information required by the instructor, and find a unique and creative way to display it all using whatever resources are available to them.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

From Sadness to Gladness

Unfortunately, Pickles, one of our 14 year old cats passed away suddenly on February 27.

He had a massive stroke that paralyzed his entire left side and completely blinded him...we opted to put him down rather than have him suffer.

I will include many pictures of him here for you to see him in happier days

Monday, January 21, 2013

The MUSHROOM Anomaly

(:  JUST FOR FUN  :)

While cutting up vegetables for soup yesterday, I came across a
mushroom anomaly...
A mushroom with two legs!!!!

I laughed out loud when I saw it because it looks like it's wearing a pair of little pants...check it out.