Friday, August 22, 2014


As you all know, I really like taking pictures.

What you may not know is that I also love looking at cloud formations and stargazing too.  I do not claim to be an a matter of fact beyond Orion's Belt, and the Big / Little Dipper's, I couldn't name a constellation if my life depended on it...but they sure are beautiful to look at :)

I can however tell the difference between the sun, moon and stars :)...that has to count for something right?

Now that we have established that I am not an astronomer, we can move on :)

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Photography from August

Looks like it's holding a ball of light
I have recently discovered another wonderful way to share my photos with all of you besides this blog of course  :)...
The Weather Network

 If you happen to be looking through the vast amount of fantastic pics on their site, don't be surprised to find my name under some of the photos :)

This post is basically a continuation of NATURE...Up Close & Personal "August 2014 edition"

NOTE:  I will add a green check-mark to the pictures  I have added to 
The Weather Network

Here are all the August pics I have collected so far :)

I have a bunch, so you might want to grab a cup of coffee and maybe a gooey cinnamon bun...

Can you tell I'm watching my diet?  :(
Ha ha haaaaa...
If you need a reason, have something sweet  for me :)

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Tiny Seed

Here is a poem for all of you to enjoy..