Tuesday, January 28, 2014


  This is my 100th post,
which I am dedicating to my Mom.

My Mother and I often speak about GOD...
and the abundance of gifts and talents that He gives to the world.
Also, how we, as people view them and ourselves.

I wish sometimes that we could all see ourselves
the way the
Lord see's us...

I think sometimes though, He grants us a small glimpse.

That small glimpse can sustain us for a long time,
maybe even help us to try and put it into words or song.

Mom, I love you
This is for you...

Gregory & The "GIANT" Sneaker

Do you have a cat?

I do.
Actually, I have two...Magoo and Gregory.

Magoo is an older cat, calm and peaceful. Unless of course he's hungry or Gregory is tackling him...in which case you'll either hear a maniacal meow that could melt your ears or a fit of intense hissing.

Gregory, on the other hand, is only a year old and VERY active.

Don't let this cute picture fool you...Gregory is a terror!
Albeit a very cute one :)

He loves to play with anything...and EVERYTHING!!!

A list of his favorite toys are as follows;

* dust bunnies
* yarn
* thread...especially when attached to a needle, while it is in my hand!  OUCH!!!!!!
* electrical cords
* pulling coats off their hangers
* flashlight beam
...I think you get the picture!!!!!



It all started last October. 
Remember I said that I found some FREE windows?

This is how they looked before they were cleaned...pretty gross right?

Saturday, January 11, 2014


Lately, I have been experimenting with creating posters.

It all started when my husband asked me to create a design for a bulletin board project he had last year...

I designed a science fiction movie theme for him.

The design included a life size painting of Morpheus from the Matrix...NOTE:  I did not paint the face or hands.

I wrote a post about this called  

I really enjoyed working on this piece, and it inspired me to begin creating posters.
It's kind of like filling in an empty bulletin board, except with paper and markers...don't you think?

Here are more images of Morpheus'  progression from drawing to paint...believe it or not, this only took a few hours to do.  

I even amazed myself at how quickly it all came together :)

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Double Sided Food Bank Sign

My husband asked me to create a medium 
sized Food Bank sign.

Of course, I said yes!

Here is the coloured template I came up with.

La Vie En "ROSE"...

You are going to need a lot of imagination when you see the before picture of this next project, 
it's pretty gross.

Monday, January 6, 2014


 I believe in BARTERING...I think it's a fantastic way to live.

In this short post, I will show you exactly what a  
trade looks like.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

"Sweet Face" The GIANT Gingerbread Man

As I have mentioned numerous times, my husband is back at college.

He was elected VP of Services at the beginning of the school year.

The VP of Services' three main focus areas are the Student Food Bank, Tutoring and Fund Raising.

I came up with a plan to help raise funds before the holiday...I created a series of hand drawn cards celebrating the winter season.

I was all excited, the cards turned out great!
(The drawing of mug, cookies and chocolates above is an example of one of said cards.)

My Mom and Mom-in-law both LOVED all of the images I created...the problem came when I investigated the price of printing :(!!!!!!

It was a great idea, however, the cost of printing was just way too much considering this was supposed to "raise" funds.

I had to try and come up with another plan...

Friday, January 3, 2014


My husband had an assignment for his JAVA class...
to design a game.
 I say HAD because this actually took place last year, and I never got around to posting about it until now.

It is a game with typed in commands...similar to the first games for computer.
Seems like a simple structure when you consider the games on the market today, but it was all about coding.
You would not believe how many pages of coding
(a.k.a. gibberish to me no matter how much I try to understand)

When this was initially assigned, he had no idea what the subject of the game should be.
Then inspiration struck him...

Is it a pair of jeans "OR" a purse?

The one thing that all crafters and artists need is portable, convenient STORAGE...whether it be an actual  port folio, a painters case / easel or even a LARGE BAG to put multiple craft items all in one place.

My inspiration for this project came from a gift that my mom-in-law Barb,  gave to her sister Brenda.

Brenda, who is also an artist, is currently helping to inspire children to have lots of fun with crafts in a local after-school program...her new denim bag is just the right size to throw in brushed, craft paints, stickers, colouring books, stamps, and whatever else you can think of.

Well this post is about a denim purse...but not just any denim purse, one made from a pair of jeans!

What a great way to recycle :)