Monday, June 27, 2011


O.K,....Before you accuse me of bad spelling I will just say that I did it on purpose, I'm very brave that way!

It's my way of going against the grain of society by daring to be different....Ha ha ha! No, really, there is a reason. Just read on.

Anyway, I mentioned in my earlier post how tiny my apartment is...what I didn't say was how dark it is.

Have you noticed the trend of NO CEILING LIGHT FIXTURES, (there is a half plug in every room that works with the light switch)?
I find that VERY annoying.

It's O.K. when you have living room lamps/ bedside lamps for muted lighting, but when you need a bright task light you are out of luck. And don't even get me started on these ENERGY SAVING light bulbs....when I want good lighting, 150 watts is what I'm looking for not some 20 watt that pretends it's 60 watts.

Do you think this could be a cover-up to help eye doctors sell glasses? Ha ha ha.

Onto my story...

In my effort to banish darkness from my apartment, I was looking to buy a plug in chandelier.

I found one on kijiji.   The person selling it said that it had a cord that could be plugged in, what they neglected to tell me is that it had been rewired with a 4 foot extension cord.

Now, considering the average ceiling height is 8 feet...Hmm,..I had a dilemma on my hands.

I figured I had some options though;

1. Get an electrician to install a plug in the ceiling (Ha ha ha! NOT going to happen!)
2. Get it rewired (probably expensive!)
3. Throw it outside out of frustration (which I seriously considered!)
4. Create something new

Obviously I chose option 4.

Here is the process

1. I removed all of the wiring, but I left the sockets in place
2. I painted it in a high gloss black
(the photo at the beginning of the post is not of my actual chandelier, I never took a before photo)
3. I placed tapered candles into all six of the sockets
(we already know that the glass shades are heat resistant, that's an added bonus)



Here it is all lit up.

Now, obviously it isn't 150 watt task lighting but it is romantic, and it didn't break the bank.

I hope you enjoyed this post.

Until next time, happy crafting!