Saturday, June 23, 2012

Beautiful Garbage

I call this post "Beautiful Garbage" because that is where I found the table I just finished.

When I first saw it, I noticed right away that it was tiger oak...but I have to admit, it wasn't pretty!

With a little imagination...and a good scraper and a handy screwdriver , you'd be amazed at what you are capable of doing!
Here is the table straight from the garbage.

Can you see the lovely tiger stripes on the legs? 
It sure has potential...

I proceeded to sand and scrape...and sand and scrape... until my fingers bled and I had sweat falling in my eyes...

Just kidding!  Ha ha.

I sanded and scraped, but managed to maintain it's original charm.

It's pretty obvious, I wasn't able to remove all of the dark stains.

As you will see in the finished photos, it only added to the overall look anyway.

I added a piece of decorative paper (tiger stripes of course) to the inside bottom of the drawer using my varathane sealer as a glue.  An interesting thing happened while I was doing this...

  OH NO...I ripped the paper! 

I tried to lay the paper seems together as best I could and then varathane over it to keep it in place...Wow!  It ended up looking much older because of this little accident.

Here, see for yourself.

Here is the finished project.

See how beautiful a piece of garbage can be?

I hope you like the finished table as much as I do.

Until next time, happy crafting!