Thursday, February 2, 2012


This is a fabric pattern that I bought quite a few years ago with the intention of practicing my sewing skills.
(Photo at left depicts the finished product)

However, I found that I didn't want to destroy it so I just kept it in my craft cupboard for 12 years until I decided what to do with it. 


Since I made the decision to keep it intact... 

I can now use it as a template for a paper pattern, and use any fabric I want. 

So, I took out some tracing paper and copied the whole thing...

In this post, I will show you how this bunny looks in two different sizes.

One of them, which I call "BIG BUNNY", is the actual size the pattern depicts...the other one is a miniature.
The photo below depicts the full pattern panel.

The photo below shows the written instructions included on the fabric pattern panel.

Below are the tracing paper pieces that I copied from the fabric panel.

I have now cut all of my fabric pieces.

Below are the legs once they have been sewn

Here are the arms.

The head is a bit tricky as you can see...but, I think it turned out O.K.

Here you can see "BIG BUNNY" is all finished. (I opted to not put a bow around her neck).
NOTE:  I used poly-fill for stuffing.

Here are the pattern pieces for the miniature you can see they aren't as precise as the larger one, but it won't matter one bit when you see the finished product.

Here is an example of the size difference between "BIG BUNNY" and mini bunny.

Here all of my fabric has been bunny is ready to be sewn.

HERE HE IS!!!!!  Isn't he cute? 

We call him Frank...(Because he is so small I couldn't sew the head on the way the pattern above instructs, so, under the brown ribbon you can see stitches....this is where he got his name.  Frank is short for Frankenbunny because he's just like Frankenstein)

I made him as a pal for Slamb, our stuffed animal.
Here they are together.

Here is "BIG BUNNY" with Frank...

Well,  I hope you enjoyed this post!

See you next time.